Many newbies investors or traders use Zerodha brokerage company’s account to do stock market trading. But when they try to sell a certain stock after one day or two days of holding Zerodha asks for TPIN if the investor has not submitted Power of Attorney at the time of account opening. At that time those investors or traders get confused as they do not know what is TPIN in Zerodha or how to generate it. TOTP, In-Person-Verification (IPV), and TPIN-related problems are very common among new investors, as they do not know how to generate them. In my previous post, I presented you with how to create TOTP. But through this post, I shall discuss TPIN-related queries in Zerodha.
If you also have queries about TPIN or need any TPIN-related information, this post will be very helpful to you. In this post, I am going to discuss all the steps to generate TPIN in Zerodha. Not only that I shall also give an elaborate description of TPIN. So that you can understand why it is so important.
Frequently Asked Questions about TPIN in Zerodha
The full form of TPIN is the Transaction Personal Identification Number.
Yes, it is extremely important. Because without a TPIN you can sell your holding stocks or do withdrawal-related transactions. However, if you have submitted a Power of Attorney (POA) during a/c opening you will not need the TPIN.
No, it is not possible. If you do intraday trading, then TPIN is unnecessary, but it is considered holding stocks if you hold any stock for more than a day. When you will try to sell those stocks then it is mandatory to have a TPIN.
YES, it is changeable. Suppose you have generated a TPIN but due to some reason, you have to change it. You can do that without any problem.
No, there is no need of generating TPIN every time of withdrawal. But if you find it safe to generate TPIN often then it is not a problem as well. Because there is no limit to generating TPIN.
What is a TPIN?
Central Depository Services Limited or CDSL generates TPIN. It is the process of customer authenticity verification. When a Demat holding person wants to sell his/her holding stock that time Zerodha asks for the TPIN. It is a mandatory step for Zerodha and every other Stock brokerage company for any Demat withdrawal transaction. It is necessary to have your 6-digit TPIN number. Otherwise, you have to generate it by following a few steps. Because without that TPIN you can not do any withdrawal-related transaction.
How to Generate TPIN in Zerodha Step-by-Step Guide
As you haven’t generated your TPIN. You might gonna face problems while any withdrawal transaction due to TPIN. So in the following, I shall guide you through all the steps so that you can generate your TPIN in Zerodha on your own.
Copy your BO ID
BO ID is nothing but the Demat account number. As you have a Demat account in Zerodha. That Demat account number is going to be needed for the TPIN-generating process. If you do not know where to get this number then in the following I have guided you through the process.
- Firstly, go to the Zerodha Kite platform.
- Then click on User Id.
- Now go to your profile scroll down a bit and there you will see your BO ID number,
- Copy that number to your device or simply write it down on a piece of paper carefully. As it is very important for the upcoming process.
Generating TPIN
Now visit Central Depository Services Limited’s official website to do the process further. First, go to Google Chrome and write in the search bar. After pressing the Enter key the chrome will directly take you to the website.

Here you will see multiple options in which you have to choose the EDIS option and click on it. Now scroll down a bit.
After scrolling down, you will see the option of Generating TPIN and Change TPIN. As we are generating TPIN we shall choose the first option that is generating TPIN. It is so easy that you just need two things that is your Demat account number and pan number.

As you can see in the above image you have to put your Demat account number. For this reason, I have previously told you to copy your BO ID number which contains 16 digits in it. Now put it in the given place and the next one is the Pan card number. If you put both the number correctly then the website will send you an OTP number through mobile or email.

As you have given your Demat account id previously, the CDSL will send the OTP on that number or email id registered with that BO ID in Zerodha.
Now a page will appear on the screen. Put the OTP in the given place. Be a bit careful as the OTP will be valid for 15-min only. Your TPIN is ready now. CDSL will send your TPIN to your registered mobile number or email id. The same registered number which they used to send the OTP previously.
Easy Way to Remember Steps of TPIN Generating Process
- First, copy your Demat account number also known as BO ID. It contains 16 digits.
- Now use any browser to visit the website of CDSL.
- After visiting go to the EDIS option.
- Scroll down a bit and choose Generate TPIN by clicking on it.
- Put your BO ID number and Pan card number in the given place.
- The website sends an OTP to put.
- Put that in the given place.
Your TPIN is ready and will be sent to your registered email id or mobile number.
How to Change Your TPIN in Zerodha?
Suppose you have already generated your TPIN but due to some reason, you want to change that now. Changing TPIN in Zerodha is very easy. To change the TPIN you have to follow the first step which is to copy your BO ID number completely.
After copying your BO ID number. The second step is also quite the same. That is to visit the CDSL website. Now click on the E-DIS option. As soon as you click on that option a new page will appear on your screen.

Now scroll down a bit and you will see there are two options: Generating TPIN and Changing TPIN (As I have already told you in the previous paragraph). Now you have to click on the change TPIN option.

Just like earlier, now the website will ask you for your ID number and PAN number. As soon as you enter it you will get OTP in your registered mobile or email id. Just put that OTP in the given place.
As soon as you complete your verification process with your personalized OTP number. The CDSL website will generate a new TPIN for you. You can use it for your next trading or resolve withdrawal-related issues.
Easy Steps to Remember Changing TPIN in Zerodha
- Copy your BO ID number.
- Go to the CDSL website and click on the E-DIS option.
- Scroll down a bit and click on change TPIN. A new page has appeared on your screen.
- Put your BOI ID number and PAN number in the given space.
- You will receive an OTP in your registered email or mobile number from Zerodha.
- A new page has appeared which asks for the OTP. Put the OTP correctly. Now your work is done.
It will take about 15 to 20 minutes to generate a new TPIN for you. The website will send you your new TPIN on the registered email or mobile number as soon as it gets ready.
When it is Not Necessary to Generate a TPIN in Zerodha?
In the above paragraphs, I have discussed the need for TPIN for withdrawal-related transactions. But you can also trade without generating TPIN in Zerodha as well. To avail of such a facility you just have to submit a “Power of Attorney” in the name of Zerodha. Zerodha provides a feature to submit a Power of Attorney (POA) paper when you open an account with them. If you submit that, you can do trading more smoothly. It will help you to gain a better trading experience.
Suppose you made a call but due to an internet problem or some other issue, you are unable to do that trading at that time and you are losing money every hour as the share is facing a downtrend. To avoid such a bad situation you can generate a Power of Attorney by just sighing up 3 blanks. When you issue a POA, you are giving authorization to Zerodha. To sell stocks on your behalf. I think it is a very good feature as you do not have to remember the TPIN and Zerodha will also help you to ignore irrelevant losses as well.
Through this post, I have discussed all the aspects of TPIN. So I hope that my readers have a clear view of TPIN in Zerodha and how to generate it. Not only that if you want to change your TPIN number that is also clearly presented in this post. It is very important to generate your TPIN otherwise you will not be able to do any withdrawal-related transaction. So keeping that in mind generate your TPIN as soon as possible. There is no option for deactivating TPIN.
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